ThemeForest - Ultra Sleek 3D Look Under Construction Page
ThemeForest — Ultra Sleek 3D Look Under Construction Page | 15,7 MB An XHTML /CSS/PHP/javascript/Ajax powered Under Construction/ Site Maintenance page which allows the user to display a landing page in place of there website which is in development. This sleek 3D looking Under Construction page boasts a Jquery powered countdown timer, ajax powered email submit form, social links navigation and a completion status. Its Valid XHTML and utilises some exciting new CSS3 features such as ‘border-radius’ and @font-face. Very User Friendly, with detailed documentation to get things under way. Feature Summary • Clean and modern 3D look • Shows days, hours, minutes and even seconds to the event • Fully working PHP and Ajax validation email submit • Fully layered photoshop PSD files • Valid XHTML and CSS • CSS3 properties
Compatible Browsers Chrome 4, Chrome 5, FireFox 2, FireFox 3, IE6, IE7, IE8, Opera, Safari ThemeForest Files Included CSS Files, HTML Files, JPG Image, JS Files, Layered PNG, Layered PSD, PHP Files Preview:
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ThemeForest — Ultra Sleek 3D Look Under Construction Page

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